Thursday 28 February 2008

Tennis Blog

It was a blog by Gerald Mcgloughlin that caught my eye this week. Not just because he makes an interesting point, but because it is a point that completely disagrees with the blog I wrote two weeks ago.

McGloughlin believes Andy Murray, can be the next John McEnroe. I dont completely disagree with this, he could be, but i very much doubt he will be, and im not alone. Judging by the responses the blog got, alot of the readers disagreed also.

"If Murray can overcome his innconsistency his talent would take him to where those top players are.' I don't disagree, but at this moment in time I think that Murray may well never overcome those inconsistancies, and if he dosent soon there is alot of talent ready to overtake him.

My fear for Murray, a fear that Mcgloughlin obviously dosent have though, is that he will become a player who wins maybe one or two majors, but dosent really ever go on to become a great player. Mcgloughlin believes Murray can win Wimbledon within two years, I cannot agree for one minute, I cannot see Murray being able to stop Federer's dominance, and that is even before we take into account other players, Djokovic, Nadal or Gasquet.

Murray is young, and still has alot of time, but then so is Djokovic, Nadal and the man who comfortably beat Murray in the Australian Open, Tsonga. Mcgloughlin is hopeful im much more sceptical.

What Mcgloughlin calls an inconsistancy is to be becoming a much more serious problem for Murray, he is developing a habit for getting beat by wildcards in the opening rounds of tournaments. A complex which could hold Murray back in the future.

I hope im wrong and that Mcgloughlin is right, but im still sceptical. The next John McEnroe? I just cannot see it.

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